How to #1 : 4 Over Hand Knot

Ok. Disclaimer – I have never tied a tie without looking in a mirror before.  Also? If you’re left handed uhhh. Just reverse it all, kay? Also? I talk fast. I’ll work on that for next time.

7 Responses to “How to #1 : 4 Over Hand Knot”

  1. Excellent. I’m so glad you posted this 🙂 I already know this, but I’m excited for everyone else. 🙂

  2. Awesome! Like bee listy, I already know this, but I’m really excited it exists.

    Looking forward to future videos!

  3. Bravo! Bravooo! ENCORE, please!! 🙂 I didn’t think you talked too fast at all. I have NEVER tied a tie before, but your instructions were SO clear and easy to understand, I really think I could! Definitely appreciated the references to the seam on the back of the tie, facing out or in, and how pulling each end of the tie will affect either the knot or the loop around the neck. THANK YOU for the instruction! I too look forward to the next installment.

  4. thanks, keep them coming!

  5. FeistyAmazon Says:

    Every Butch should know how to tie a tie…this is the knot I mostly use.

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