Archive for John Fluevog

Insta-shoe Lust

Posted in Footwear with tags on September 23, 2010 by sartorialbutch

Did I mention I’m getting married in just over 2 weeks? Holy crap. Anyway, my love chose a pair of Fluevog heels that she ordered on-line. And they came and she hated the color. Hated. So we had to go to the store on Newberry Street in Boston to find some suitable replacements. Which we did. But then I saw these:

And I knew I had to have them. And now they are on my feet all warm and soft and comfy.

What’s your impulse fashion buy of the Fall?


Posted in Footwear with tags on November 6, 2009 by sartorialbutch

Coveting will be a semi-regularly appearing topic basically showcasing what I want. And can’t afford to buy. Or won’t buy. Or just maybe some sugar daddy/femme is out there reading and wants to surprise a butch with pressies. I dunno. Anyway….

I have been coveting these John Fluevog wing tips for quite some time.


Did get a pretty nice bonus….bills…or shoes…….the temptation is SO strong on this one.

What are you coveting right now??

*EDIT* I am a sucker and my girl was at the Fluevog store and well, now they are on their way to me.  She managed to wrangle something for herself as well, you know, for going through the hassle, but I’ll talk about them in a future column about girly gifts that melt the heart.