Archive for the Footwear Category

Let’s talk about sox baby

Posted in Footwear with tags , on January 25, 2011 by sartorialbutch

It is frigid here in Maine. It is frigid, or has been frigid, or will be frigid in most of the US at some point this winter. Every (yes, every, including Hawaii) state EXCEPT Florida has seen snow this winter.  It’s cold. And as I’ve made the investment to protect my feet with new winter boots (I bought the Sorel Chinooks, LOVE them) it’s also prudent to continue the foot protection with adequate socks. Yep, socks.

These are my favoritist socks ever:

They are expensive, running about $16-28 dollars a pair. Yes, a pair. However, Smartwool socks are THE BEST socks I have ever owned. They last forever without pillage or showing a ton of wear. They are warm without being suffocating, and they prevent your feet from sweating which in turn will make your feet cold. Seriously, the difference between wearing boots with Smartwool vs: regular cotton socks is incredibly noticeable.

I know, it seems like such a little thing but…the difference it made was…grave.

Anyway, forget my Morrissey indulgence for a second, what do you wear on your feet, under your shoes during winter?

Winter Meltdown

Posted in Footwear with tags , , , , , on December 30, 2010 by sartorialbutch

As you may have ascertained just by reading older posts carefully, I live in Maine. And winters in Maine are cold. And sometimes, for my job I have to spend hours outside in the snow and ice and cold, so it is imperative that my winter footwear be top notch.  When I moved here almost 8 years ago I invested in these awesome boots that I bought, of course, at LL Bean.

I can’t even tell you how much I loved them. They were warm and kept my feet dry, provided great traction, and were really really comfy. Yeah, they weren’t the most stylish boots out there, but I wear them maybe 30 times a year and they served their purpose. However after this past week’s blizzard, I noticed that one of my feet came out soaking wet – because one of the seams had ripped and was letting water in.

LL Bean’s has an AWESOME “if it breaks, whenever, we’ll fix it” policy which is really great – except that most times they will cut you a gift card for the amount of the boots or what their replacement would be in today’s selection. So I got a really big gift card but….the boots they have now do NOTHING for me and were either too girly (the SL actually took my gift card and got a great pair of boots for herself,) not comfy enough or too big (their men’s sizes start at 7.)  It was actually not too fun of a shopping trip day (though I did find an awesome wool shirt/jacket which you’ll see in a few days – I didn’t buy it yet but..maybe soon) for me and due to the fact that more snow is on it’s way I may have a had a small, tiny, teeny, insignificant meltdown on the drive home. Cough.

So I’m on the hunt for new winter boots. So far, the challengers are:

The Columbia Bugaboot:

These look pretty similar to what I had, and trust me, this is the best color combo (for me) but still – not really my style. As sartorial as I like to be, I am willing to forgo the style in order for a warm, dry, supportive, comfy pair of winter boots.

I also really like these Sorel  1964 Pac Graphic boots –

which come in additional graphics as well –

and a similar pair of Sorel’s called Caribou – which has a similar look to the Pac’s but the bottom tread seems to be a little bit more rugged – though that’s not necessarily a deal breaker:

These North Face McMurdo’s are also in the running, and even have a special lip on the back for snowshoe clip in, which is cool as thats something I’d like to get in to this winter:

I think one of the major issues with choosing one, outside of the parameters that I’ve already laid out, is that if you have smallish feet, you HAVE to go with a women’s boot because there won’t be a men’s size to fit you, and typically boy’s sizes in winter boots don’t carry enough support to cover the basic needs for me.

Do you live in a winter wonderland? What do you wear on your feet to work/play outside in??? Which of these choices do you like best??

Insta-shoe Lust

Posted in Footwear with tags on September 23, 2010 by sartorialbutch

Did I mention I’m getting married in just over 2 weeks? Holy crap. Anyway, my love chose a pair of Fluevog heels that she ordered on-line. And they came and she hated the color. Hated. So we had to go to the store on Newberry Street in Boston to find some suitable replacements. Which we did. But then I saw these:

And I knew I had to have them. And now they are on my feet all warm and soft and comfy.

What’s your impulse fashion buy of the Fall?

In the name of experimentation

Posted in Footwear on June 26, 2010 by sartorialbutch

I so love footwear. And uh, I had to try these Vibram Five Finger (hahaha. Five finger. Hahahaha. Ok, 12 y/o moment over) shoes on. I did. In some crazy, sports equipment whore moment, I thought I might need to have them.  No, Really.

See? I did. And well. They’re weird. I don’t think I could run in them. They’re…funny looking.  They’re really hard to actually get on your foot.  They offer no support whatsoever, which I understand is the point, but for me? Not so much. Maybe if I take up yoga again…….

I got my flippie floppies

Posted in Footwear with tags , , , , , , , on May 6, 2010 by sartorialbutch

It’s true, I do. I love flip flops and summer footwear. Before I get into the sartorial portion of this post, I have to admit that my favorite flip flops are a pair of 3$ ones that I got at Cliff’s Variety in the Castro around 4 years ago that are black but have colored stripes in the side part of the footbed. They’re almost worn out but are so comfy and I love them so they get to stay for dog walks and quick trips to the supermarket.  They are not acceptable (for me) going out footwear, and this post is not a do/don’t, just a what I like/don’t like – and you can take it from there.

It’s easiest for me to start with what I don’t like.  In big, bold, huge letters, I DO NOT LIKE (because hate is a strong word) BIRKENSTOCKS.

I know that they’re comfy. And I know that people swear by them. I just think they’re pretty horrendous.  Again, if you like ’em, go for it. I don’t think there’s anything classy about them, and mostly they just scream lesbian or European tourist to me. Especially when worn with socks. Which, I know you don’t need the reminder, but you should NEVER do that.

I also don’t like the kinds of sandals that are barely air-conditioned shoes. Like these, from Born:

In the category of “outdoorsy” sandals, or sandals that provide more support than flip flops do, I don’t like Tevas.

I actually own a pair of these and have kept them probably because they were kind of expensive (and if you want them, they’re yours,) but I don’t find them to be terribly comfortable, and don’t offer the kind of support and function that I’d like an “active” sandal to provide.

For outside summer activities which may or may not involve me jumping into a river or lake, I REALLY like Keen sandals.  I know that I’ve talked about how much I like their shoes, but the first pair of Keens that I had were sandals.  I am completely icked out by bugs and icky things like wet seaweed and river beds. These are PERFECT for keeping my feet away from such items, and also, the toe is covered which protects my feet when I’m biking or climbing up river banks. They also dry very very fast, which is a bonus.

Now for form instead of function.  There’s no reason why you can’t rock a really nice pair of flip flops as going out wear during the summer. I’m partial to leather, either black or brown, for this type of flip flop. Paired with jeans or khaki’s and a button down shirt rolled up to the elbow this kind of footwear makes for a really stylish, classic casual look.

These are made by Chaco, but I also really love these from Cobian:

I also think that this offering, from Puma, are really fun, and I can see myself wearing them while on a deck or boat or rooftop with a frosty beverage in my hand while watching the sun set.

One thing to pay attention to when selecting flip flops is how they really fit your feet. Often times they’re really flat, with very little arch support, which is really not great for your feet, and will likely leave you feeling not so great after wearing or walking in them for a long time.  I had to ditch my “but they’re just flip flops!!” pricing mantra a few years back when I realized that by spending a few extra bucks, I was buying a pair of shoes that don’t hurt and last for more than a few months.

Additionally, there are SO many different kinds and colors of flip flops to choose from, you’re practically guaranteed to find a pair that you will be the unique owners of in your town, and you can definitely find some that perfectly express your personal style.

What’s your favorite summer shoe option? Do you LOVE a pair that I hate? Tell me why!

Black/brown casual kicks

Posted in Footwear, Personal grooming with tags , , on April 27, 2010 by sartorialbutch

First a note about sneakers as footwear. I LOVE sneakers as casual footwear, but am a little snobbish in that I feel like if they’re runners, well, they belong in the gym and are more function than fashion.  This is JUST my opinion, and you can of course, do whatever makes you feel comfy!

I own more casual footwear than I should, and I’m going to start showing what I like for basic black and brown options in this department.

When I was 11 years old I got my first pair of Adidas Sambas. I got them because the cool kids (the “older” boys) at the summer camp I went to had them and well, you know, I wanted to be like them.  So I got some and they were totally comfy and awesome and for years people asked if I played soccer.  And then, somewhere in the 90’s Sambas became really cool footwear and have pretty much been readily available as casual wear since then, and became available in more styles and colors.  Ever since 1988 I’ve ALWAYS had a pair of the original black and white Sambas, and they’re my go to for black casual sneakers/footwear.

As for brown? Lately I’ve been wearing Onitsuka Tigers by Asics. I couldn’t find my exact  color combo but they make lots, and usually a brown version!  Just like the Sambas, these are a really casual, really comfortable shoe.

Both of them are fairly neutral as footwear – they won’t take away from any part of the outfit you’re wearing, they look good, and aren’t shouting (which sometimes isn’t a bad thing and we’ll get to that at a later date,) ” hey, look at my amazing shoes!” They just blend really really well.

What kind of casual footwear do you like to wear?

Thank you Spring!

Posted in Footwear with tags on April 2, 2010 by sartorialbutch

In honor of the holiday that I’ve coined “First Tee-Shirt Day” I’m going to post about one of my favorite pairs of Spring/Summer footwear: Vans.

Yup. These are mine. I LOVE these shoes, even though they aren’t quite comfy enough (for me, the flat footed one) to wear all day long, I can do an 8 or so hour stretch in them. If I’m wearing khaki’s and a shirt and tie I can even get away with them as almost appropriate work footwear.

Additionally, they pretty much look good with ANY other casual pant/short choice – jeans, cotton pants (white ones look awesome with vans) and cargo shorts.  They’re also not so expensive that having a couple of pairs (these are brown, green, and pink) is unattainable.

I know that I’ve mentioned my shoe-whoreness before – I really am. This is just pair one of summer/spring casual footwear and there are TONS more to come. Really. I think some of it has to do with the fact that no matter what size you are, there are always going to be shoes that you like that fit – and buying shoes was the only shopping experience that I had as a teen that didn’t end in tears or me feeling really really bad about myself.  So shoe buying has pretty much always been a source of joy and happiness for me.

What do you love to shop for?

Shoes glorious shoes

Posted in Footwear with tags , , , , on January 27, 2010 by sartorialbutch

Back to the sartorial side of things today – though don’t you worry, I have some monsters brewing in the back of the French press that is my head that I promise to squeeze out in the very near future. Admittedly, some of my current thoughts hit some pretty raw and scraped up places so I appreciate your patience while I try to put them all together into a beautiful, steaming cup of perfection.

But EVERYONE loves shoes, right? Well, in any case, lots of YOU do, judging by links, comments, and private emails. I know that I started giving you some resources of procurement of some great footwear choices, but today I thought I’d give you a rare peek into my closet – in fact, that’s going to be probably something you’ll see more of – my real stuff.  Because well, I’m narcissistic AND I also think that it’s good to show you the real deal instead of links to “similar” items to what I really like.

I have one of the worlds best collections of casual footwear – but that’s not what you’re going to get to see today. Today I’m going to focus on the 4 pairs of shoes I wear most often – my work shoes. Granted, these are not the only shoes I wear to work, sometimes a trusted pair of Doc Martens find their way into the repertoire, but these are my go-to’s as far as work footwear.

That’s pretty much it – two blacks, two browns, different shades of all. As you may have already guessed, sometimes, and especially when it comes to work attire, I am not a big fan of laces. From left/right top/bottom – These are a pair of Rockport boots that I absolutely adore. The leather is soft and buttery and they feel so incredibly good when zipped up over my ankle. They’re not particularly warm, however they look fantastic with a fresh pressed pair of khaki’s, or even a dark blue pair of slacks. Sometimes I even get adventurous and even wear them with gray. Really. It can work – just read what this guy says about it:)

Next over – standard pair of Keen Presidio’s.  Yes, these are technically a woman’s shoe, however they fit so well and look fairly neutral that I LOVE to wear them. I love these for days when I know I’m going to be on my feet a lot, and I even like sometimes wearing them with casual jeans and a sweater – that combo evokes a “typical New England preppy” kind of feel, and I kind of love that.  For an even more neutral and maybe even somewhat more masculine look, I also have a couple of (now very beat up) pairs of the Briggs line.  Keen’s are REALLY well made and comfortable. I have pairs that are over 4 years old and they are just now wearing through the bottoms (dog walk shoes) but are still terrifically comfortable.

Bottom left – Steve Madden slide loafer type shoes. Just a really comfy and classic (and gay) looking shoe. I typically only wear these with khaki’s, as the leather is too light to go with most other colors, however they do look equally awesome with jeans.  As I’ve mentioned before, I tend to wear my shoes a little bit big and these are no exception to that rule, and my feet LOVE being in them.

Last pair – the ones I probably wear most, as my wardrobe typically stays in the black/gray range of shades and colors – Kenneth Cole dress shoes. They’ve retained their shine fairly well (reminder, post on how to properly shine shoes – any bootblacks reading wanna chime in?) and they are so comfy and lighter than you’d expect, so they don’t drag down on my feet all day. They look fantastical with pretty much everything. There’s a bit of lift to them, so whether real or perceived, I tend to walk a bit taller when I wear them.

So…that’s the work shoes. Have you found a pair of work shoes that feel like home to you? Feel free to chime in on what items of my clothing you’d like to see next – really, I’ll show you it all:)

PS: Feel free to follow my goings-ons, random thoughts, silly musings, etc on Facebook and Twitter! Also let me know if you’d like to be linked on the sidebar!

And sometimes a butch admits her failings

Posted in Footwear with tags on January 20, 2010 by sartorialbutch

For the past four months I’ve regaled you all with links about fashion and stories and tips for  how to operate in this cold and cruel world as a sharp and fabulous masculinley expressed butch. Today I’m going to take a step back and let you know that even the SB has her fashion failings, though admittedly, um, you know, this particular failing was born out of a function fixing problem.

I’ve lived in my current apartment for almost a year. I live in a pretty awesome part of my city – it’s within walking distance to down town, and I have a bunch of neat bars, restaurants, and shops within blocks. It is quiet enough for me (I do live in a city,) and honestly, I was moving sort of with the quickness and though the interior of this apt was awful when I first looked at it, the floors were good, there were LOTS of room, and I could see it becoming a most spectacular bachelor pad.  Also? It was cheap. Like unbelievably cheap. So I took it.

The only thing my rent included was an off street parking spot – so I was responsible for heat and electricity. I wasn’t so concerned about the electricity part, however, heat? My first 5 years here I lived in a heat included apartment, and well, I was sort of panicked about this. The heat used to be set at 70 in my old place, but here? I was totally flummoxed about figuring out what I should keep the heat at so that I would be comfortable, but also not go broke. Somehow, I landed on 62 degrees. Yeah, it was occasionally chilly, but I had sweatshirts and  figured it would be fine. Also, when I moved in it was the end of the winter and so it was just me.

Fast forward almost a year. The SL is in the picture. She stays here a lot, and that’s going to be come a more permanent change in the near future. And the joke is that 62 is TOO COLD. I refuse to believe this as well, I’m ok, and the dog seems fine and well, it’s fine!  Not so much. I’ve given up and let the temp come up a few degrees during the evenings when the SL and I hang out here but as winter digs in even harder at this time of the year I had to wake up and face the music – I was cold.

More specifically, my feet were cold. And this was especially sad because frankly, I hate slippers. And I don’t particularly like socks. I’m a barefoot kid – if I have to be inside.  But I faced the truth and realized that I needed some slippers. And if I was going to buy slippers they were going to be warm enough to walk around inside, but durable enough so that if I have to walk the dog in them (in the spring/summer) they will hold up.

Which brought me to the only logical solution Which brings me a huge sense of shame. Because I have made fun of this particular brand of footwear since I first saw them years ago. I swore up and down that I’d never ever wear these. But um.

I give you my new house slippers:

Yeah.  There isn’t really much I can say in defense of the choice. They are ugly. They’re totally not sartorial in any way shape or form. I will say that so far they are mad comfy, and doing exactly what I want them to, so I guess I’m going to, just this one time, allow function to precede form.

What’s in your closet that you’re somewhat ashamed of, but you love/like anyway?

And the angels wanna wear my red shoes

Posted in Footwear with tags , , on December 14, 2009 by sartorialbutch

I’m going to double dip here for a second, kids, because well, things have been crazy crazy in SB land. Some major (but really happy) personal upheaval has taken over my normal stream of consciousness, but I do want to get you your SB fix, so…

I got a lovely email from a newly ‘out’ butch regarding shoes, and wondering if mens shoes are the way to go, and if so, how to choose?

Anyway, here is my response, with a couple of addendum’s,  and hopefully it can help you:

I’m a women’s 7.5/8 and I wear a men’s 5.5/6.  Now, it’s REALLY hard to find a pair of cool men’s shoes in sizes that small, but what I find helps a LOT is because you can sort out shoes by style, size, etc.  I just wear the regular width that the mens shoes come in, but what I like about zappos is they have free shipping AND return shipping.  I also like stores like DSW where I can try on a lot of shoes in the mens dept.

Personally, I like Kenneth Cole Reaction mens’ shoes, and these are similar to what I wear practically every day as my work shoes.

They are incredibly comfortable, and a bit big on me, but since I started wearing mens shoes, I’ve gotten accustomed to my feet having a lot of room to breathe in footwear – actually they kind of feel cramped in shoes that “fit.”

I also have a pair of brown Sketcher loafers that look similarly to these, and they are fairly great too.

Also, some butches with small feet do really well in the boys department, and SOMETIMES I score there but  the shoes are usually quite narrow, and cramped in the toe box, and also, the styling of boys shoes isn’t usually quite as slick as mens shoes.

Additionally, I generally don’t ever wear women’s shoes, at least not “dress” or work shoes. Sneakers are another story, and while for casual wear I love unisex casual shoes, for working out and sports, I bite the bullet and pick out the best looking pair of women’s kicks I can find.

Fluevogs, Doc Martens, footwear of that nature is usually unisex and generally looks great on butches!

I have these 10 eye oxbloods and absolutely LOVE them. I got them a few years back and didn’t wear them much but have started to more often these days – they look great with jeans and have broken in so very nicely. I also have a pair of black 8 eyes that I’ve had for well over a decade that are just like second skin shoes to me. They always look good!

What kind of shoes do you rock?